
-Masai Mara National Reserve
-Amboseli National Park
-Sweetwaters Sanctuary
-Lake Nakuru National Park

Thinking about Kenya conjures up scenes of a colonial safari camp. The camps are set in open grassland dotted with massive herds of wildebeest and zebra, and ravenous lions, leopards and cheetahs waiting to pounce. This is the Masai Mara, undoubtedly the ultimate game sanctuary in Africa.

More about Kenya

Tonight, in the glow of the bonfire, reflect on the sightings of the day, while enjoying the spirited dance of Masai warriors in their distinctive red shukas (cloaks). Surely the most memorable wildlife experience is witnessing more than a million herbivores crossing the Mara River from the dry planes of the Serengeti, in their ancient search for green pastures. What an experience! See the water churning as thousands of intrepid animals take the plunge, with huge crocodiles attacking from all sides – truly an unfair contest.

Timing your trip to coincide with the river crossing is tricky, because unpredictable annual rains determine the animals’ itinerary. The masses of wildlife remain in the Masai Mara from August to November after which the circular trek south into the Serengeti begins. Since thousands upon thousands of wildlife species do not join the journey south, there is still scope for breath-taking wildlife sightings, especially from a hot air balloon, gliding effortlessly over the vast plains.

But Kenya is more than just the Masai Mara. The country has 13 national parks of which Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, Tsavo and Mount Kenya are the most well-known.

Amboseli National Park is located in the Rift Valley and is one of the smallest parks in Kenya, but second only to the Masai Mara in popularity. The spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, coupled with the variety and abundance of wildlife draws the visitors in. The wildlife is easy to see and photograph, due to the flat and open terrain. There are also more than 420 species of birds in the park.

Lake Nakuru National Park is an ornithologists’ paradise, offering a spectacular view of up to 2 million flamingos at one time, which are attracted by the lake’s algae. A safari to Lake Nakuru is easily combined with the Masai Mara and Samburu National Reserve, which lies to the east.

Tsavo National Park is Kenya’s largest national park, and is split into two sections; Tsavo East and West. Tsavo West is the most popular as it has been developed for longer and is regarded to have better game viewing opportunities. Tsavo East is wilder, more remote and has less visitors. The park is home to the largest herds of elephant found in Kenya.

Mount Kenya National Park became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The mountain is an extinct volcano that straddles the equator, and is Africa’s second highest peak. It is regarded as a holy mountain by the Kikuyu and Meru people living in its shadow. The park’s scenery is incredible and is a botanist’s paradise, with a wide variation in flora as the altitude changes.

Kenya – is it on your bucket list? It should be!

Masai Mara Magic Safari

Masai Mara Magic Safari

Masai Mara, Kenya
8 days10